A Refresher for Teams/Services currently using Care Aims as their primary decision-making Framework.

  • Do you lead or manage a service that started its Care Aims journey before 2019?
  • Are you still using the framework as the main clinical and service decision-making framework for you and your team?
  • Have you been unable to train in-house Care Aims Trainers to support new staff or refresh existing staff in their thinking?
  • Did COVID 19, and other pressures, set back the implementation of this way of thinking in day-to-day practice?
  • Are you struggling to change the conversations at referral and assessment?
  • Have you lost the critical mass of the staff who were trained originally, through staff turnover? 

…if so, this course may be for you.

We are currently running it both as an in-person and online course.

Many services have approached us in the last year to ask for an update and refresh. They have reported being unable to embrace the framework fully or finding that the current context has knocked them off course. They are also aware that they have missed the window of opportunity to train up in-house trainers. This course has proven very successful in re-invigorating thinking and practice and in setting services up to train in-house trainers to support and sustain practice.

For more information please see: Refresher (in Person) and Refresher (Online).