Care Aims Framework
The Care Aims Framework helps professionals in the health, social care and education sectors in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland improve services for users by introducing genuinely person-centred, evidence-based and systematically reflective decision-making and processes. This leads to better outcomes for service users, with greater user understanding, greater engagement and fewer complaints. But it also boosts staff morale, improves team functioning, reduces individual, team and organisational stress, facilitates communication between different agencies, helps realign targets with user needs and helps reconcile the gap between professional ambitions and resources. Read more
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“Before I was introduced to the Care Aims Framework I was seriously considering leaving my profession as an OT. My disillusionment with the treadmill I was on and my feelings of helplessness have now been transformed into excitement, clarity and more energy than I ever knew I possessed. Thank you for reconnecting me with the reason I trained.”
“Before I was introduced to the Care Aims Framework I was seriously considering leaving my profession as an OT. My disillusionment with the treadmill I was on and my feelings of helplessness have now been transformed into excitement, clarity and more energy than I ever knew I possessed. Thank you for reconnecting me with the reason I trained.”